
Greetings in the name of the Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ. It is a pleasure to welcome you to the community of St. Catherine Labouré Parish. God gives us many gifts to bless our lives and new friends are truly one of the most wonderful gifts.

Mass Schedule

Daily (Except Wednesday): 8:00am
Wednesday with School Children: 8:15am
Saturday: 8:00am, 5:00pm
Sunday: 9:00am, 11:00am & 5pm in Spanish
Sunday Spanish Mass: 5:00pm
Holy Day:  (Holy Day of Obligation) 6:30am, 9:00am, 7:00pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation: 
Saturday 4-4:45pm or
by Appointment. To schedule by email:
Eucharistic Adoration

The adoration Chapel is available 24 hours a day.

Below are the Parish office personnel email addresses:

To watch Catholic Mass at home, click on one of the following sources:

Other online Catholic Mass sources

To Gain a Plenary Indulgence:

The Holy See, on the Solemnity of St. Joseph, under the Apostolic Penitentiary grants a special Plenary Indulgence during this time to all those suffering from the Coronavirus, including all health care workers, all family members and even all those praying for them through a spirit detached from any sin, offering this trial in a spirit of faith in God and charity toward their brothers and sisters, they can unite spiritually, through the media, to the celebration of Holy Mass, recitation of the Holy Rosary, the pious practice of the Way of the Cross, Eucharistic Adoration, the recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet or other forms of devotion imploring Almighty God to an end of this epidemic, provide relief to those afflicted and Eternal Salvation to those whom God has called home to Himself.
Click here to read the full Decree of the Apostolic Penitentiary

To make a daily Holy Hour view EWTN's live Eucharistic Adoration from 8 AM TO 5 PM CT

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Special Events

The Holy Season of Lent

As we enter the first week of Lent, we hope you’ll make time to reflect and pray more, fast, and give alms to the poor. Here are some suggestions for how to do so:

Fasting & Abstinence:
All Catholics who are 14 years and older are to abstain from eating meat on all Fridays in Lent. Fasting consists of eating one full meal and two smaller meals that don’t add up to a single full meal. On Good Friday adults who are 18-59 years old and in good health are to fast and abstain from eating meat.

Lenten Reflection Books:
Reflect on the daily Scripture readings and traditions of Lent using the booklets that are available in the church vestibule.

Learn about our disadvantaged brothers and sisters around the world and give alms to improve their lives with Catholic Relief Services Operation Rice Bowl. Pick up a calendar of reflections, recipes and activities along with a box in which to put your donations and return the box with your donations on the weekends of March 29-30th, and April 5- 6th. You can also donate at Give Central.

Soup and Stations of the Cross:
Join fellow parishioners each Friday in Lent for a communal meal and time-honored prayer ritual. Soup and bread are served at 6:30pm in the lunch room; Stations of the Cross are prayed in church at 7:30pm.

Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Join us for Reconciliation services Tuesday, April 1st at 7:00pm for a communal celebration of God’s mercy and forgiveness. Several priests (including a Spanish speaking priest) will be available to hear individual confessions as well.

Seven Churches Visitation on Holy Thursday
On Holy Thursday, April 17th join us as we visit seven churches around Chicago. We will be leaving by bus at 8:30pm after Mass of the Lord’s Last Supper at St. Catherine Labouré Church. As we visit the churches we will pray as we contemplate the mysteries of our faith. The bus will return to St. Catherine Labouré around midnight. The fee for the bus is $30, checks can be payable to St. Catherine Labouré Church or use Give Central. This year we will feature:

St. Catherine Laboure Church
Holy Name Cathedral
Saint Michael in Old Town
Saint Clement
Saint Alphonsus
Saint Benedict
Queen of All Saints

To reserve your seat or with any additional questions please email saradicesare@sclschool-glenview.org We especially encourage young people to come for this beautiful and fun experience of our faith.

Parish Devotions

Perpetual Adoration: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week except from midnight of Good Friday through the last Mass on Easter Sunday.
Monday Evening Holy Hour: 7:00pm in Holy Family Chapel
Rosary in Polish: Monday evenings at 7:30pm in church
Zapraszamy na rozaniec po polsku w kazdy poniedziałek o godz 7.30.PM.
Mother of Perpetual Help Mass & Novena: Second & fourth Wednesdays of the month at 6:30pm in Church
Our Lady of Fatima/Sacred Heart Devotions: Welcome the statue of the Blessed Mother/Sacred Heart into your home and pray the rosary daily. Contact Rose Alfon, 847-498-2489 or Zeny de Guzman, 847-480-0159.

Liturgical Ministries

Our worship will be richer if you join us in one or more of these liturgical ministries:
Eucharistic Minister: Contact Amalou Lim at amalou8@yahoo.com.
Lector: Contact Bill or Carol Cook at carolcook05@comcast.net.
Usher: Contact Tommy Fitzgibbon at tfitzgib@aol.com.
Altar Server: For students ages 9-17, contact Jessie Kunnel at SCLservers@yahoo.com.

You can also reach any of the above people through Flocknote.

Mass for the Homebound

Mass for Those Who Are Homebound
Heart of the Nation Sunday TV Mass brings spiritual comfort and the blessings of joy-filled hope in our Risen Savior. Please let people know they can tune in to Catholic Mass on WJYS, Channel 62 at 10:00am, on WCUU, Channel 26.2 at 6:30am, or online at this link: Heart of the Nation

Catherine Labouré Mission Statement
The Catholic community of St. Catherine Labouré, prompted by the Holy Spirit, encourages its members to love God, self and neighbor. Nourished through the sacraments, liturgy and prayer, we want to deepen our relationship with God by sharing our faith as a gifted people. We strive to grow spiritually, intellectually and socially. Committed to Jesus Christ and the Church, we embrace a vision of service to our parish and the world community

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