Human Concerns

This area includes all groups that deal with service and outreach to the parish and larger community.


The Committee fosters a greater awareness of Respect Life issues by supporting spiritual, pastoral care and advocacy within the parish. The Committee coordinates the annual October Respect Life activities and programs initiated by the Archdiocesan Respect Life Office. New members are always welcome. Contact Russell Lundsgaard: 847-724-6344.


The ALMS program is a weekly collection for the poor. Each Sunday, a specific organization (announced in the bulletin and at Mass) is designated to receive the amount collected beyond the normal Sunday collection. Added to this amount is the money that is collected for the poor in the Eucharistic chapel. The ALMS committee chooses the groups. They are guided by the principles that the ALMS should go specifically to provide for food, clothing or shelter, the group should serve a number of people, the help is intended for immediate needs, the donation will be to groups that have greater needs/smaller budgets, and over time, the various recipient groups collectively represent a diverse number of issues and needs that encompass local, national, and worldwide outreach to the poor.


The Welcoming Committee reaches out to new parishioners with Sunday brunches throughout the year to initiate a sense of community, to help welcome newcomers in feeling comfortable and "at home" in a caring and sharing environment, and to introduce them to our various organizations and ministries. Contact Rectory at 847-729-1414 for more details.


The death of a loved one can be a painful experience that we all must face at some point in our lives. However, our Christian faith consoles us in so far as we believe that, for those who have died, life is changed not ended. The St. Catherine Laboure Bereavement Ministry supports those who are experiencing a loss and assists families in the process of grieving their love-one’s death. The Bereavement Ministry team is available to help a family who has lost a loved one with planning the funeral liturgy and provides follow-up support after the funeral. Contact the SCL Rectory at 847-729-1414 and a Bereavement Ministry Team member will return your call.


This ministry is devised to serve the sacramental needs of those who are homebound because of age, handicaps or illness. This program also serves as a follow-up to those who have been hospitalized. For more information, contact the Rectory at 847-729-1414.


Ministers of Care bring the Holy Eucharist to homebound parishioners and to residents in local nursing homes /rehab centers, as well as to Glenbrook Hospital. Parishioners are reminded to call the Rectory (847-729-1414) to arrange for a visit from a Minister of Care.


A blood drive is held semi-annually. Please watch the bulletin for times and qualifications.